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Messaggio Da Ospite Lun 28 Feb 2011 - 21:59

non sapevo se metterlo qua o in attualità... fate voi


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Messaggio Da uoz Lun 28 Feb 2011 - 22:00

w la ricerca 166799

Devi peccare, se no Cristo che è morto a fare?

Maschio Numero di messaggi : 770
w la ricerca Left_bar_bleue69 / 7069 / 70w la ricerca Right_bar_bleue

Data d'iscrizione : 07.01.11

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Messaggio Da Rasputin Lun 28 Feb 2011 - 22:03

No no, va bene sezione spam è stata abolita... Royales

You think normal people just wake up one morning and decide they're going to work in a prison? They're perverts, every last one of them. (Vanessa)

w la ricerca Merini10

Rugged is the beauty, and infinite my loneliness

Maschio Numero di messaggi : 60904
Età : 63
Località : Augusta vindelicorum
Occupazione/Hobby : On the run
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Data d'iscrizione : 28.10.09

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Messaggio Da SergioAD Mar 1 Mar 2011 - 0:26

I read the link and obviously I hope Massimo gets along well, probably with some focus on short term planning.

It came to my mind that you just can't have any time for the web (or anything else) while you're involved in a project. There's nothing you wish to tell anyone if not related to a technical solution that probably doesn't interest anybody else.

If a 12 month life cycle project takes 7 years, including the qualification/ consolidation campaign then you can resist 2 projects before taking back your life and, in the Italian industry to do research you must cheat on cost estimations.

Things happen and many are planned, in my case it has been a coincidence of events. Don't spend much time asking yourself what went wrong and understand that you have always been what you are - Oriental fatalism? Could be.


Maschio Numero di messaggi : 6905
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Data d'iscrizione : 30.01.10

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