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Looking for answer about Berlin - German life

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Messaggio Da rob93 Dom 26 Mar 2017 - 21:19

I'm actually in Berlin but next week i'll come back in Italy and i've studyed the german language for 4 months so i have a B1.1 certificate but speaking it's A2.2. I have a 3 years diplom as gardener (taken in italy) and i've also worked as a gardener for 3 years. I've accumulated enough money for expatriate in 2018, buying a room, food ecc and begin a professional training course for 1-2 or 3 years wich is retribuited approssimately an half pay per months.
So i'm planning to begin an new life in Berlin, with a shared house, work and study in an "ausbildung" for a job always in the green context and continue studies of german language.

I have some questions that i've already asked in dedicated forums for expat but without or not sure replyes.

1-buying a WG without work contract it's possibile also showing the last bank statement, right?

2-as a gardener you don't talk a lot. It's easy finding a job with english B2 (never studyed) or german B1.1? I see lots of jobs like in indeed, ecc but i'd rather some tips and opinions

3-AOK insaurance is the cheapest?

4-in the "anschreibung" of the application should I add downsides? I've heard something about this. It's not tipical in Italy where I live. it's a site where you can create your own a cool lebenslauf. I made a lebenslauf translated in german by myself. Can i show you and get some tips or corrections? I can explain details in Italian.

I want to live in Berlin because i love it, it's cool and young with lots of opportunities.
I'll hope you can help me with this temporary questions :)

Maschio Numero di messaggi : 63
Età : 31
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Data d'iscrizione : 16.03.17

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Messaggio Da Rasputin Dom 26 Mar 2017 - 22:12

rob93 ha scritto:[...]

I have some questions that i've already asked in dedicated forums for expat but without or not sure replyes.

1-buying a WG without work contract it's possibile also showing the last bank statement, right?

2-as a gardener you don't talk a lot. It's easy finding a job with english B2 (never studyed) or german B1.1? I see lots of jobs like in indeed, ecc but i'd rather some tips and opinions

3-AOK insaurance is the cheapest?

4-in the "anschreibung" of the application should I add downsides? I've heard something about this. It's not tipical in Italy where I live. it's a site where you can create your own a cool lebenslauf. I made a lebenslauf translated in german by myself. Can i show you and get some tips or corrections? I can explain details in Italian.

I want to live in Berlin because i love it, it's cool and young with lots of opportunities.
I'll hope you can help me with this temporary questions :)


1. I ain't got a clue what a WG is, could you explain please?

2. Good question. It is actually easy to find a job which requires little or non qualification, but you don't get to practise the language very much.

3. There are several statutory medical insurances, AOK is in my opinion not the best, I have Allianz but is partially private

4. Yes you can but the CV is a very funny thing in Germany and no one knows how it really has to be...send it over to me if you want and i'll take a look at it

You think normal people just wake up one morning and decide they're going to work in a prison? They're perverts, every last one of them. (Vanessa)

Looking for answer about Berlin - German life Merini10- Looking for answer about Berlin - German life Rusp_c10
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Maschio Numero di messaggi : 60834
Età : 63
Località : Augusta vindelicorum
Occupazione/Hobby : On the run
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Data d'iscrizione : 28.10.09

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Messaggio Da rob93 Lun 27 Mar 2017 - 8:26

1- WG means Wohnung. There are lots of facebook group with lots of people searching and rentig his 1 zimmer-wohnung, all the wohnung, fully equiped or not, ecc... i'm looking for a 1-zimmer-wohnung because it cost less and i can make friend and have fun living with them.

3-aok or TK i've heard. Is Allianz partially private? I know that, signing a private health insaurance, you can't go back to the public insaurance. It's true? How much does it cost your insaurance and from what are you covered?

4-Ahh ok, later.

Maschio Numero di messaggi : 63
Età : 31
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Data d'iscrizione : 16.03.17

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Messaggio Da Rasputin Lun 27 Mar 2017 - 12:37

rob93 ha scritto:1- WG means Wohnung. There are lots of facebook group with lots of people searching and rentig his 1 zimmer-wohnung, all the wohnung, fully equiped or not, ecc... i'm looking for a 1-zimmer-wohnung because it cost less and i can make friend and have fun living with them.

3-aok or TK i've heard. Is Allianz partially private? I know that, signing a private health insaurance, you can't go back to the public insaurance. It's true? How much does it cost your insaurance and from what are you covered?

4-Ahh ok, later.

Funny how the shortenings (Germans are almost worse than Americans on this) change depending on the area, here WG = Wohngemeinschaft ahahahahahah

Try to get some information KKH, is the  one i'm insured with and  it does not haver to be entirely private.

You think normal people just wake up one morning and decide they're going to work in a prison? They're perverts, every last one of them. (Vanessa)

Looking for answer about Berlin - German life Merini10- Looking for answer about Berlin - German life Rusp_c10
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Maschio Numero di messaggi : 60834
Età : 63
Località : Augusta vindelicorum
Occupazione/Hobby : On the run
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Data d'iscrizione : 28.10.09

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Messaggio Da rob93 Lun 27 Mar 2017 - 18:27

Ops i was wrong, yes it means Wohngemeinschaft sry

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Data d'iscrizione : 16.03.17

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Messaggio Da rob93 Lun 3 Apr 2017 - 7:35

I'm quite undecided about what to do in 2018 in Berlin. 3 years Ausbildung or work directly?
I think:

ausbildung: +: learn perfectly a job, 99% to continue working after 3 years, high salary after 3 years. -: low salary in the first 3 years, about 300-800 euro i've read

work: +: high salary immediately. -: i don't learn a lot, salary not too high compared to the job after 3 years ausbildung.

I have a lot of money accumulated but i'm not sure to have not problem in the future. How many euro should take an azubi as a gardener? The sanity insaurance it's always divided so 150 euro/2? A WG shared it's the only real problem in Berlin.

Waiting for your answers

Maschio Numero di messaggi : 63
Età : 31
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Data d'iscrizione : 16.03.17

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Messaggio Da Rasputin Lun 3 Apr 2017 - 13:52

rob93 ha scritto:I'm quite undecided about what to do in 2018 in Berlin. 3 years Ausbildung or work directly?
I think:

ausbildung: +: learn perfectly a job, 99% to continue working after 3 years, high salary after 3 years. -: low salary in the first 3 years, about 300-800 euro i've read

work: +: high salary immediately. -: i don't learn a lot, salary not too high compared to the job after 3 years ausbildung.

I have a lot of money accumulated but i'm not sure to have not problem in the future. How many euro should take an azubi as a gardener? The sanity insaurance it's always divided so 150 euro/2? A WG shared it's the only real problem in Berlin.

Waiting for your answers

The only couple of things I'm more or less sure about:

- depends on the kind of education (Ausbildung) you choose. Generally, as a trainee (Azubi) you have a lot of benefits, facilitations and discounts everywhere, this usually equalizes the lower pay.

- Life in Berlin is way cheaper than a lot of other places in Germany, if I were in your shoes I'd stick with it. If you manage it cleverly, you can also get a place to live on your own.

Finally, what is a "lot" of money? To me, it means enough to disappear to the Maldives for the rest of my life mgreen

Otherwise, you should carefully evaluate benefits and drawbacks of keeping your savings aside without using them. Personally, I've always been against saving money, i enjoy it when I have some.

About health insurance we've already spoken, it will be no problem as long as you are employed, even part time.

One question: are you in Germany right now or you plan to get there?

You think normal people just wake up one morning and decide they're going to work in a prison? They're perverts, every last one of them. (Vanessa)

Looking for answer about Berlin - German life Merini10- Looking for answer about Berlin - German life Rusp_c10
Looking for answer about Berlin - German life CIAcsAME_o

Maschio Numero di messaggi : 60834
Età : 63
Località : Augusta vindelicorum
Occupazione/Hobby : On the run
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Data d'iscrizione : 28.10.09

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Messaggio Da rob93 Lun 3 Apr 2017 - 18:16

I'm in Italy. I would not say how many money I have but I can buy the new wk polo 2017, so you can imagine. I would spend my savings to the best. I can handle money well in every case.
Yea you're right but i keep it because i knew that Italy is collapsing and i love Berlin. I have an appointment in these days for a new job here in Italy, so more money incoming. I think i will take the azubi way because i'm young and i wanna learn more!

depends on the kind of education (Ausbildung) you choose. Generally, as a trainee (Azubi) you have a lot of benefits, facilitations and discounts everywhere, this usually equalizes the lower pay.

Cool. For example transports and museum tickets are reduced? Or something else?

Maschio Numero di messaggi : 63
Età : 31
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Data d'iscrizione : 16.03.17

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Messaggio Da Rasputin Lun 3 Apr 2017 - 20:30

rob93 ha scritto:I'm in Italy. I would not say how many money I have but I can buy the new wk polo 2017, so you can imagine.

Not necessary, you just told me  mgreen

rob93 ha scritto:I would spend my savings to the best.

This is a very subjective matter  wink..

rob93 ha scritto:I can handle money well in every case.

And this is what people who basically don't like to spend money usually say  mgreen

rob93 ha scritto:Yea you're right but i keep it because i knew that Italy is collapsing and i love Berlin. I have an appointment in these days for a new job here in Italy, so more money incoming. I think i will take the azubi way because i'm young and i wanna learn more!

Good attitude and good choice, as long as you plan to do it in Germany  ok

depends on the kind of education (Ausbildung) you choose. Generally, as a trainee (Azubi) you have a lot of benefits, facilitations and discounts everywhere, this usually equalizes the lower pay.

rob93 ha scritto:Cool. For example transports and museum tickets are reduced? Or something else?

Yeah, and I think a few more things such as sport facilities (swimming pools for instance) shopping of some kind, proprietary software and similar stuff

You think normal people just wake up one morning and decide they're going to work in a prison? They're perverts, every last one of them. (Vanessa)

Looking for answer about Berlin - German life Merini10- Looking for answer about Berlin - German life Rusp_c10
Looking for answer about Berlin - German life CIAcsAME_o

Maschio Numero di messaggi : 60834
Età : 63
Località : Augusta vindelicorum
Occupazione/Hobby : On the run
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Data d'iscrizione : 28.10.09

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Messaggio Da rob93 Mar 25 Apr 2017 - 12:11

I decided I would look for a job without ausbildung. Why? Because the language blocks me and i find more easy find a normal job for joining the german working world. Ausbildung courses requieres more, like studies, a good german language and also mathematik skills. When i will be estabilished and talk good german, I will specialize myself.
Two questions.
-Can I open 1 german account bank and keep opened 1 italian account bank?
Can I also ask for transfering money in my italian bank? I'm not sure about it.

-Is this the site with the chepaest VHS in Berlin? As i would work and live in Berlin, should I select "Deutsch, Integration" or "Sprachen"?

Maschio Numero di messaggi : 63
Età : 31
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Data d'iscrizione : 16.03.17

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Messaggio Da Rasputin Mar 25 Apr 2017 - 13:06

rob93 ha scritto:I decided I would look for a job without ausbildung. Why? Because the language blocks me and i find more easy find a normal job for joining the german working world. Ausbildung courses requieres more, like studies, a good german language and also mathematik skills. When i will be estabilished and talk good german, I will specialize myself.
Two questions.
-Can I open 1 german account bank and keep opened 1 italian account bank?
Can I also ask for transfering money in my italian bank? I'm not sure about it.

-Is this the site with the chepaest VHS in Berlin? As i would work and live in Berlin, should I select "Deutsch, Integration" or "Sprachen"?

On the other hand, a job within an educational program would increase your chances of getting exposed to an environment in which the spoken language is less conversational and more appropriate, learning the language at a better level.

question 1, yes I think so (I can see nothing that would prevent you to open as many banking accounts as you wish)

question 2, I have no idea. But my personal advice is to select languages ok

You think normal people just wake up one morning and decide they're going to work in a prison? They're perverts, every last one of them. (Vanessa)

Looking for answer about Berlin - German life Merini10- Looking for answer about Berlin - German life Rusp_c10
Looking for answer about Berlin - German life CIAcsAME_o

Maschio Numero di messaggi : 60834
Età : 63
Località : Augusta vindelicorum
Occupazione/Hobby : On the run
Looking for answer about Berlin - German life Left_bar_bleue70 / 7070 / 70Looking for answer about Berlin - German life Right_bar_bleue

Data d'iscrizione : 28.10.09

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